The first of what became a series of films, Highlander, directed by Russell Mulcahy, was released on March 7, 1986 with the tagline, "There Can Be Only One." The film features a number of flashback scenes establishing Connor MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod's early history, and builds up to his final destiny amongst the last of the mysterious Immortals. Through a mentor and fellow Immortal — Juan Sánchez Villa-Lobos Ramírez played by Sean Connery — he learns of the existence of other Immortals, who occur spontaneously throughout history. An Immortal can only die by being beheaded, and each Immortal must battle another in ritual single combat to the death, until the "Gathering," when the last Immortals left will fight until only one remains to take "The Prize." The Gathering occurs in modern-day New York City, and sees the Highlander, who has fallen in love again despite trying to cut himself off from humanity in general, narrowly defeat his powerful and evil enemy, The Kurgan, whom he has encountered time and again over the many years, and who has slain Ramirez and many others.
Connor MacLeod (Christopher Lambert) was born in the year 1518 "in the village of Glenfinnan on the shores of Loch Shiel." In 1536, his clan is in conflict with the rival Clan Fraser, and Connor rides along into his first battle. The Frasers have employed a towering monster of a man known as The Kurgan (Clancy Brown), who apparently recognizes that Connor is a fellow Immortal, though even Connor himself has not yet discovered this, although he feels the pain from sensing the Kurgan's proximity. The Kurgan manages to mortally wound Connor in battle, but the MacLeods recover the body before he can decapitate it. The MacLeods mourn Connor, but he revives shortly after his "death." Accusing him of witchcraft, Connor's clansmen beat him, and are preparing an execution, but his cousin Angus MacLeod (James Cosmo) persuades them to exile Connor instead. He escapes with his life, but is banished from his clan and birthplace.
Connor eventually settles as a blacksmith in Glencoe, where he marries Heather (Beatie Edney). In 1541, he is located by a much older Immortal, who introduces himself as Juan Sanchez Villa-Lobos Ramirez (Sean Connery). Ramirez soon appoints himself Connor's tutor in the situation of being Immortal, their pursuit of The Prize, and the rules of an age-old "Game," noting that "in the end, there can be only one." He also explains that his own name was just his current alias, being Egyptian by birth. He adopted it while serving as Chief Metallurgist for Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor (also King of Spain between 1516-1556). His sword is a katana he received in Japan in 593 B.C. by his (then) father-in-law Masamune. Masamune was the father of Princess Shakiko, Ramirez's third wife, a genius far ahead of his time in the forging of swords.
Ramirez tells MacLeod to leave his wife or face heartbreak, explaining that "I was born 2,437 years ago. In that time, I've had three wives. The last was Shakiko, a Japanese princess... When Shakiko died, I was shattered. I would save you that pain. Please, let Heather go."
Connor refuses to leave his wife, though he trains under Ramirez to prepare for Immortals like the Kurgan. However, the Kurgan manages to arrive at Connor's home while MacLeod himself is absent. The Kurgan and Ramirez duel, with the frightened Heather their only spectator. The Kurgan manages to decapitate Ramirez, and proceeds to rape Heather, in the belief that he was further humiliating his old enemy (Ramirez) and "his woman." Connor soon returns to find his residence in ruins, his mentor killed, and his wife alive, but traumatized. She never tells him about the rape, and Connor never learns of the event until 1985, when The Kurgan mocks Ramirez's memory.
Connor remains with his wife until her death. Dying in Connor's arms, she confides that her only regret was not having his children. After burying Heather, MacLeod burns their residence and wanders the world, journeying as far away as Japan, and - like the rest of the Immortals - finally ends up in America. These travels include an 18th Century duel on Boston Common (in which a drunken MacLeod was repeatedly run through by a sword, to no effect, by an insulted husband), and killing a Nazi officer during World War II, rescuing a young Holocaust survivor in the process. His experiences over time have left him a bitter, cynical man.
The action then shifts to 1985 New York, where the few surviving Immortals are drawn in "The Gathering," a final series of confrontations to determine the winner of "The Prize." Eventually, the last two surviving are Connor, under the alias of "Russell Edwin Nash"; and the Kurgan, under the alias of "Victor Kruger." Meanwhile, the spike in what appear to be murders by decapitation has drawn the attention of the police, who suspect Connor as the sole person responsible (however, he is in fact responsible for at least one of the deaths being investigated). Among the investigators of the case is forensic scientist Brenda Wyatt (Roxanne Hart). Her investigation reveals MacLeod's apparent longevity through different names, and she eventually falls in love with him. This does not escape the attention of the Kurgan, who abducts her to force Connor into a final confrontation. MacLeod battles the Kurgan, finally defeating him (with a little help from Brenda), and apparently wins The Prize, which is revealed to be mortality, the ability to sire children, and a telepathic/empathic gift wherein he can communicate with and influence the greatest minds or most powerful people on the planet (hence Ramirez's warning to Connor as to what horrors someone like the Kurgan could bring to the world, should he win it).
Christopher Lambert as Connor MacLeod/Russell Nash
Roxanne Hart as Brenda Wyatt
Clancy Brown as The Kurgan/Victor Kruger
Sean Connery as Juan Sánchez Villa-Lobos Ramírez
Beatie Edney as Heather MacLeod
Alan North as Lieutenant Frank Moran
Jon Polito as Detective Walter Bedsoe
Sheila Gish as Rachel Ellenstein
Hugh Quarshie asSunda Kastagir
Christopher as Malcolm Kirk Matunas
Peter Diamond as Iman Fasil
Billy Hartman as Dugal MacLeod
James Cosmo as Angus MacLeod
Celia Imrie as Kate MacLeod
Alistair Findlay as Chief Murdoch Fraser
Clancy Brown nearly turned down the role of Kurgan, concerned that his allergy to makeup would prevent him from wearing the prosthetics required late in the film.
'Lambert, Christopher' spent time with a dialogue coach, developing an accent which sounded non-specifically foreign.
Non-American versions of this film include a WWII flashback sequence showing MacLeod rescuing Rachel, where he tells her "It's a kind of magic". The scene is included on the "Immortal" edition DVD.
Unused footage includes a sequence with Kurgan fighting an immortal security guard named Yung Dol Kim in an office building. Kim, tiring of his immortal life, yields to Kurgan, who takes his head.
'Christopher Lambert' had just barely learned to speak English when he took this role. The only other English-speaking film he had been in at that point was Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes (1984), in which he spoke only a few words.
The brief snippet of "New York, New York" performed by Queen during the movie has never been released officially on an album or single by the group. It wasn't included on the official soundtrack either. The soundtrack was released and then deleted, and re-released in 2003 as a numbered limited edition.
In the scenes following Connor taking the Kurgan's head, director Russell Mulcahy had originally envisioned an animated dragon with the Kurgan's skull battle helmet emerging from the Kurgan's decapitated body and challenging Connor again. Only after Connor had defeated this Ghost-Dragon would he have received the final quickening and subsequent Prize. This idea was eventually cut due to budget restraints.
The final fight scene that takes place at the Silvercup studios (the sign is used in a few shots) used to be a bakery for the Silvercup bread company that had gone out of business a few years earlier.
During the final fight sequence between McLeod and Kurgan on the roof of the Silvercup Studios building, cables can be seen in the foreground pulling the studio's neon sign down. After filming had been completed, the production discovered that they had done so much damage to both the set and the actual roof of the Silvercup studios building as to make re-takes impossible.
Sean Connery and 'Christopher Lambert' got along so well during filming that they called each other by their characters' names even when they were not filming and it was at Lambert's insistence that Connery and his character returned for the sequel.
According to the computer screen where Brenda compares the signatures on MacLeod's various birth certificates, Connor's previous aliases were Adrien Montagu, Jacques Lefebert, Alfred Nicholson, and Rupert Wallingford.
Among the many ancient artifacts in MacLeod's storeroom is Ramirez's vest and hat.
According to the director's commentary, the animated lightning on Connor's shoulders when he receives The Prize was actually supposed to disguise the wires -- ironically, this may have just drawn more attention to them.
The quickening is a term for when a baby in the womb shows its first sign of life, its first noticeable movement within the womb.
Queen were invited to see a rough cut of the film so they could get ideas for the soundtrack. Brian May wrote "Who Wants To Live Forever" during the cab ride home after seeing the film, and Roger Taylor used the line "It's a kind of magic" as the basis for the end title song.
The Queen song "One Year Of Love" (which can be heard in the background in the scene where Brenda meets Connor in the bar) was never released as a single in Europe or the US, but was a hit in Japan. The 7" single was released as part of the Highlander marketing wave, and its label said it was from the forthcoming soundtrack album (which never surfaced). It was, however, featured on the "It's a Kind of Magic" album.
The scene in the alley where the Kurgan (Clancy Brown) beheads Kastagir (Hugh Quarshie) and then stabs the Vietnam vet, followed by the explosion, was filmed in an alley in England even though it was set in New York. The director was reluctant to set off the explosion in the alley because the windows were full of Victorian glass, but he was given permission to do so because that particular site was going to be destroyed in a few months anyway.
The church scene involving Kurgan (Clancy Brown) was filmed at night time with the permission of the priests in charge. Still, Brown's lines were ad-libbed and were reportedly considered so sacrilegious that the priests off-camera were making the sign of the cross as he said them.
All of Sean Connery's scenes had to be filmed in a week due to Connery's schedule.
The priest in the church scene was actually an orthodox rabbi.
The brandy scene with Macleod and Brenda was inspired by Russell Mulcahy's dinner with Jim Steinman who, as a wine bottle from 1949 was being opened, sniffed the air between the cork and the bottle and told Mulcahy that he just sniffed air from 1949.
During the film scene at Eilean Donan castle, the car park by the castle had to be covered up with tons of peat to disguise it, the house located by the bridge out to the Castle was boxed in with hardboard and painted over so that it looked just like real stone even when you stood right beside it. Extras were paid £25 a day with a £10 bonus if they took their own horse. A lot of the locals took days off work to do it.
Virginia Madsen auditioned for the role of Heather.
Non-American versions of this film include a WWII flashback sequence showing MacLeod rescuing Rachael, where he tells her ''It's a kind of magic''.
The European version also has a scene between Connor and Brenda talking at a zoo about how he's not willing to commit to another relationship after his wife's death. The most important thing about this scene is that Kurgan can be seen in the background trailing the twosome. This solves the continuity problem in the American version about how Kurgen finds Brenda's apartment in the next scene.
Uncut version shows MacLeod having a short flashback about his first battle in Scotland during the wrestling match.
Uncut version has Fazil doing a backward cartwheel as he flees from MacLeod in the parking garage.
Uncut version shows MacLeod's girlfriend wishing him luck before the first battle in Scotland.
Uncut version has MacLeod's dueling partner (remember, he kept stabbing MacLeod to no avail?) shooting his assistant in the back for being annoying.
In the uncut version Kurgan licks the priest's hand in the church
Uncut version has a much longer fight scene between MacLeod and the Kurgan at the end of the movie.
The European version and later US Director's Cut does not contain a short scene shot from inside Det. Bedsoe's car as he stakes out Brenda's apartment during MacLeod's visit.
As MacLeod lays on the floor after the final battle, he can be heard saying "I want to go home" on the original US version, but not on the European version and later US Director's Cut.
Complete Director's Cut is available on video in the US, featuring all footage from the European version and still photos from unused footage at the end. This includes scenes of a fight between the Kurgan and an unreferenced Immortal, Yung Dol Kim, a security guard in an office building who fights the Kurgan. Ultimately, he surrenders wearying of Immortal life and willing to suicide himself. The Kurgan takes his head and the body explodes out of the 40th story of the building. Kim fights Japanese two-sword style. Additional unused footage features a flashback where Connor meets with Thomas Jefferson, as well as a bar scene when Connor and Kastagir go out for a drink, and meet Det. Walter Bedsoe.
Reportedly a version shown at the Brussels film festival features a slightly different ending than the theatrical and video releases. In this version after the final battle, the demons circling around Lambert are clearly saying "thank you". The final prize is only that Lambert is not an immortal anymore and that he can now have a normal life.
Versions shown on the Sci-Fi Channel and USA Networks are heavily cut, and not just because of the head-chopping sequences. Many parts of the movie were removed for airing on these networks, including much of the Ramirez training sequence, most of the "Who Wants to Live Forever" sequence, all of the flashback to 1783, and other various pieces of scenes and their dialogue, making for an extremely chopped-up movie.
In the original U.S. release during the scene when Connor and Ramirez jump off the cliff, you can hear Ramirez yell, "MacLeod, this is the Quickening!" In the European version, Ramirez and Connor just yell as they jump.
In addition to the many scene differences, the version commonly shown on TV has VERY degraded sound quality versus the director's cut. For example, the score can not even be heard during the parking lot fight scene on the TV version. Some networks now show the director's cut version.
The U.S Director's Cut and the European Director's cut differs some in dialogue. Example: When Connor falls from the boat and end up on the sea floor, the U.S version dialogue says: "I´m alive" Europene version says: "I´m alive...I can breath..." Shortly followed by; "I´ll split you in half!" (spoken in the same moment as Connor draws his sword under water)
In earlier versions Ramirez says he's "...chief metallurgist of King Phillip II of Spain" while in later versions and the Uncut DVD he says he's "...chief metallurgist of Charles V." This change is shown in Highlander Two Ramirez still says the first version.
In the American versions, as Kurgen is driving into New York, the opening guitar to the Queen song "Gimme The Prize" can be heard over the news report and the vocals start when Kurgen pops in the tape. However in the Director's cut, the opening guitar part has been taken out and the song starts at the vocals like before when Kurgen pops in the cassette.
Continuity: Fazil loses his mirrored sunglasses, but soon has them back.
Continuity: The vigilante drives a 1977 Firebird, which soon turns into a 1979 Firebird.
Continuity: Kurgan drives a Chevrolet Impala which switches to a Dart.
Revealing mistakes: Obvious wires suspending MacLeod as he receives The Prize.
Continuity: Speed of Sean Connery's legs moving when he runs along the beach VERY different to that of the stunt double's.
Revealing mistakes: When the Silvercup sign falls forward, the support wires in front of it remain taut, showing that the crew are pulling the sign down.
Continuity: When the Kurgan and Brenda look at the Silvercup building from the bridge, the sign says "Silvercup Studios." When MacLeod and the Kurgan fight on top of the building, the sign simply says "Silvercup."
Continuity: Connor and Kurgan fight their final battle on a flat rooftop. After they fall through the skylight, the room they are in clearly has a sloped roof.
Continuity: Brenda is on the roof during the final fight scene, and when the Kurgan and McLeod fall through the roof, Brenda is still on the roof. The next moment she is in the same room, despite clearly not falling through the roof
Factual errors: The wrestling match shown is supposed to take place at Madison Square Garden. That promotion - the AWA based out of Minneapolis, MN never had an event take place in NYC. The WWF were the only promotion running shows at MSG.
Continuity: The flap on the torn-open roof of the green car Kurgan steals, swaps sides between shots.
Continuity: When Brenda's purse (which she left on the desk) moves between shots when she returns to the office to sneak a look at the file.
Continuity: When the hotel clerk comments on the Kurgan's kinkiness, the drunk moves from standing to sitting between shots.
Continuity: When Connor enters the bar and meets Brenda his position, and the amount of drink in the glass changes between shots.
Errors made by characters (possibly deliberate errors by the filmmakers): When Connor meets Brenda in the bar he orders a "Glenmorangie on the rocks". Single malt whisky has to be drunken "hand-warm" and people from Scotland would never commit such a faux pas and drink it with ice.
Continuity: While Lieutenant Moran visits the injured guy in the hospital the right blue curtain in the sick-room changes position between shots.
Errors in geography: Newspaper stand in "New York" displaying "Have You Seen This Man" headline is shot in front of the Sheraton Centre, which is located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Factual errors: Brenda uses a metal detector to find particles of sword in reinforced concrete. This cannot work as the signal from the metal in the reinforcement bars would swamp the signal generated by the sword particles.
Factual errors: We see bagpipes with three drones; the long third drone was added after 1700.
Errors made by characters (possibly deliberate errors by the filmmakers): Brenda, a weapons expert, calls the sword a "samurai". Samurai refers to the Japanese swordsman. His weapon is called a "katana". (In mitigation, she is talking to non-experts and may well just be dumbing down for their sake.)
Anachronisms: The Sword that Connor uses (the one he got from Ramirez) has a screw, fastening the handle to the blade.
Continuity: When the Highlander is in the sword duel in 1783, before he is stabbed the second time, his opponent flips his rapier out of his hand. As he falls to the ground and gets back up, his rapier is back in his hand.
Continuity: When the Kurgan is speeding to the Silvercup building after kidnapping Brenda, the Cadillac he is driving smashes into another car, severely damaging the right front end. Yet, for the remainder of the scene, the Cadillac is shown with the entire front end still intact.
Continuity: During the final fight between Kurgan and MacLeod, Kurgan kicks MacLeod's sword behind and away from him. There are a couple of close shots, and when they cut back to the wide shot (same angle) MacLeod's sword in seen on the ground in the forefront. The cycle repeats twice - another set of close shots, then a wide shot with no sword, close shots, followed by another wide shot that includes the sword.
Factual errors: The Bagpipes seen in the early part of the film are the wrong style. These are 'Regulation' pattern pipes, which only came into being about 1850, pipes from the time frame of the movie should be 'Chalice' pattern, ie, the top of the drone should look like a wine glass.
Revealing mistakes: The character of Garfield, the uniformed NYPD officer who fights with MacLeod, wears a sergeant's stripes, but his cap and badge are that of a patrolman. A NYPD sergeant would have a gold badge and cap insignia, not silver.
Revealing mistakes: The Kurgan slices the roof off a Chevrolet Mailbu/Chevelle but when it emerges from the alley it becomes a Plymouth Duster.
Revealing mistakes: In the final fight when the water tower falls, water can clearly be seen coming from behind the broken tank.
Continuity: Immediately after Ramirez slices the Kurgan's throat in their fight in the castle, there is no blood on Ramirez's sword.
Miscellaneous: After Connor is impaled by the Kurgan in Scotland, you can see his chest rise and his eyes twitch.
Continuity: During Connor's duel in 1783, the color of the two nearby horses changes from brown to white and back between shots.
Revealing mistakes: During the church scene, the plastic cap worn by Kurgan seems to have come off around the ears.
Crew or equipment visible: When the Kurgan cuts down the Silvercup sign, there are several shots of Brenda where her safety line is clearly visible.
Revealing mistakes: When Connor decapitates Kurgan the Quickening begins with the large windows behind him blowing out of their frames. When this occurs you can clearly see the primer cord encased in the windows igniting just as the glass shatters.
Revealing mistakes: Connor conceals his Katana inside his trenchcoat, yet he us able to move around, sit and even remove the coat all without showing any sign of the concealed sword.
Crew or equipment visible: During the scene when Kurgen kidnaps Brenda and plays chicken with cars the camera van can be seen driving parallel to theire racing car. It is on the far right of the shot and is driving with it's hazard/emergency lights flashing. A member of the crew can be seen standing out of the roof of the vehicle and on the right of the vehicle (left in shot) you can clearly make out the camera. Check out 1h 38m 27s onwards to find this.
Crew or equipment visible: During the kidnap 'chicken run' scene when Kurgen is driving on the wrong side of the road into oncoming traffic the car accidentally collides with an oncoming vehicle as they both swerve in the same direction. The camera truck can be seen to slow and camera operator/director/crew member can be seen to rise up a little more and look back.
Factual errors: Ramirez calls himself the chief metallurgist to King Charles V of Spain. However, Charles V was his not his official title in Spain, that was his title as Holy Roman Emperor. It was King Charles I of Spain.
Ramirez: [narrating] From the dawn of time we came; moving silently down through the centuries, living many secret lives, struggling to reach the time of the Gathering; when the few who remain will battle to the last. No one has ever known we were among you... until now.
Connor MacLeod: You're a liar!
Ramirez: You have the manners of a goat. And you smell like a dung-heap! And you have no knowledge whatsoever of your potential! Now.
Ramirez: Get out!
[rocks the boat, sending MacLeod into the lake]
Connor MacLeod: [as Ramirez rows away] Help me, I'm drowning!
Ramirez: You can't drown, you fool, you're immortal!
[continues rowing]
Ramirez: The sensation you are feeling is the quickening.
Connor MacLeod: Who are you?
Ramirez: We are the same, MacLeod. We are *brothers*!
[after some passionate sex]
Heather: You can do that to me forever if you like, my Lord.
Connor MacLeod: Aye! I will.
Ramirez: [after MacLeod misses him with his sword] Crude and slow clansman, your attack was no better then that of a clumsy child.
Connor MacLeod: This cannot be, it's the devil's work.
Ramirez: You cannot die, MacLeod, accept it.
Connor MacLeod: [laughs before realising Ramirez was serious] I hate you.
Ramirez: Good. That is a perfect place to start.
Connor MacLeod: Tell me how'd it happen for God's sake.
Ramirez: Why does the sun come up? Or are the stars just pin holes in the curtain of night, who knows? What I do know is that because you were born different, men will fear you... try to drive you away like the people of your village.
[MacLeod turns his back]
Ramirez: You must learn to conceal your special gift and harness it until the time of the gathering.
Connor MacLeod: What gathering?
Ramirez: When only a few of us are left, we will feel an irresistible pull towards a far away land... to fight for the prize.
Garfield: Are you a faggot, Nash?
Connor MacLeod: Why, Garfield? Cruisin' for a piece of ass?
Garfield: I'll tell you what happened, Russell. You went down to that garage for a blow job. But you didn't want to pay for it.
Connor MacLeod: You're sick.
Connor MacLeod: I am Connor MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod. I was born in 1518 in the village of Glenfinnan on the shores of Loch Shiel. And I am immortal.
[Just before the MacLeod clan goes to war]
Kate: Angus, you'll keep him in one piece, ya hear?
Dugal MacLeod: And we all know what piece that is!
Ramirez: Why does the sun come up, or are the stars just pinholes in the curtain of night?
Ramirez: If your head comes away from your neck, it's over!
Kurgan: [to Ramirez] Tonight you sleep in hell.
Connor MacLeod: I've been alive for four and a half centuries, and I cannot die.
Brenda: Well, everyone has got their problems
Kurgan: At last. The Gathering...
[Mini-blades pop open from Kurgan's sword before a knock is heard by his door]
Candy: Hi. I'm Candy.
Kurgan: Of course you are...
Kurgan: So now it ends...
[repeated line by Ramirez, The Kurgan and Connor MacLeod]
Connor MacLeod: There can be only one!
[Looking at the body lying next to its head]
Garfield: What do you think the cause of death was, Lieutenant?
Connor MacLeod: You only have one life! If you value it, go home!
Garfield: You talk funny Nash. Where you from?
Nash: Lots of different places.
Ramirez: The Kurgan. He is the strongest of all the immortals. He's the *perfect* warrior. If he wins the Prize, mortal man would suffer an eternity of darkness.
Connor MacLeod: How do you fight such a savage?
Ramirez: With heart, faith and steal. In the end there can be only one.
Sunda Kastagir: Macleod, it's good to see you again. It seems like a hundred years.
Connor MacLeod: It's been a hundred years.
Ramirez: You cannot die, MacLeod. Accept it.
Connor MacLeod: I hate you!
Ramirez: Good. That is a perfect way to start.
Angus MacLeod: He's a Highlander, by God, and the last sound he hears should not be that of a wailing woman!
[Connor is being chased out of the village]
Angus MacLeod: Can you walk, Connor?
Connor MacLeod: I'll bloody well walk out of here!
Brenda: I was hoping you could give me some advice.
Connor MacLeod: Are you the kind of woman who takes advice?
Brenda: Sometimes.
Connor MacLeod: Advice about what?
Brenda: What can you tell me about a seven foot lunatic hacking away with a broadsword at one o'clock in the morning, New York City, 1985?
Connor MacLeod: ...Not much.
Connor MacLeod: What are you looking at, Rachel?
Rachel: The eyes in the back of your head. People are asking about you. What am I supposed to tell them?
Connor MacLeod: Simple. Tell them I'm immortal.
Rachel: Will you listen to me for one moment? You can't hide your feelings from me! I've known you too long.
Connor MacLeod: What feelings?
Rachel: How about loneliness?
Connor MacLeod: I'm not lonely. I've got everything I need right here.
Rachel: Oh no you don't. You refuse to let anyone love you.
Connor MacLeod: Love is for poets.
[Saying his farewell to Rachel]
Connor MacLeod: Hey, it's a kind of magic!
Kurgan: Who is the woman?
Ramirez: She's MINE!
Kurgan: Ah! Not for much longer...
Kurgan: You can't defeat me, Ramirez! I am the strongest!
Ramirez: My cut has improved your voice!
[after Connor has called Ramirez a "haggis"]
Ramirez: Haggis? What is haggis?
Connor MacLeod: Sheep's stomach, stuffed with meat and barley.
Ramirez: And what do you do with it?
Connor MacLeod: You eat it.
Ramirez: How revolting!
Priest: This is a house of God. People are trying to pray. You're disturbing them.
Kurgan: He cares about these helpless mortals?
Priest: Of course He cares. He died for our sins.
Kurgan: That shall be His undoing.
[gets up]
Kurgan: Father! Forgive me , I am a worm...
[starts laughing diabolically]
Kurgan: [to everyone in the church] I have something to say! It's better burn out, than to fade away!
[to a german soldier during WWII]
Connor MacLeod: Whatever you say, Jack. You are the master race.
Connor MacLeod: Nice to see you Kurgan. Who cuts your hair?
Connor MacLeod: I don't like boats. I don't like water. I'm a man not a fish.
Juan Sanchez Villa-Lobos Ramirez: You must leave her, brother. I was born 2,437 years ago. In that time I've had three wives. The last was Shakiko, a Japanese Princess... When Shakiko died I was shattered. I would save you that pain. Please, let Heather go.
Kurgan: [to a pair of nuns passing by him] Happy Hallowe'en, ladies!
Kurgan: Nuns. No sense of humor.
Connor MacLeod: Ramirez's blade did not cut deeply enough. He was right about you. You're slime.
Kurgan: Ramirez was an effete snob! He died on his knees. I took his head and raped his woman before his blood was even cold.
[MacLeod looks at him in fury]
Kurgan: Ah, I see. Ramirez lied. She was not his woman. She was *your* woman. And she never told you. I wonder why. Perhaps I gave her something you never could, and secretly she yearned for my return.
Kurgan: [MacLeod attempts to throttle Kurgan in a church] Holy *ground*, Highlander! Remember what Ramirez taught you.
[repeated line]
Kurgan: Hello, pretty...
Motel Clerk: Hey, Rockefeller. I hear you liked Candy. She said you were kinda kinky.
Kurgan: Don't ever speak to me.
[after Kurgan rips the top of a car off and throws the driver out]
[looking over at the old woman in the passenger seat with insincere affection]
Kurgan: [smiling] Mom...
Connor MacLeod: Sweet Rachel, you always knew this would happen: Russel Nash dies tonight.
Connor MacLeod: I have the power! Aye, the quickening that empowers me! I feel everything! I know... I know everything! I am everything!
News Reporter: The garage is watered from the sprinklers. It also left a man's decapitated body lying on the floor next to his own severed head. The head, which of this time, has no name.
Kurgan: I know his name.
[Inserts cassette tape into car stereo]
[repeated line]
Kurgan: Another time, Macleod!
Tony the Hotdog Vendor: [as Tony reads a newspaper headlined: Headhunter-3, Cops-Zero] Hey Moran! Have you read what it says in here?
Lieutenant Frank Moran: You kiddin' Tony? You know cops can't read.
Tony the Hotdog Vendor: [Teasingly to Moran] What does 'INCOMPETENT' mean?
Lieutenant Frank Moran: [Speaking to Detective Bedsoe] That mayor, he calls me at 2 o'clock in the morning! I mean I don't even answer the phone anymore!
Tony the Hotdog Vendor: Hey! What does 'BAFFLED' mean? Hee hee hee hee! Ha ha ha ha!
[Moran and Bledsoe give Tony an irritated look]
Tony the Hotdog Vendor: .
Dugal MacLeod: [as the McLeods prepare for battle against the Fraziers] . Are you scared Conner? Ha ha!
Connor MacLeod: No cousin Dugal. I'm not!
Angus MacLeod: Don't talk nonsense, man! I peed my kilt the first time I went into battle!
Dugal MacLeod: Aye! Angus pees his kilt all the time!
[More laughter]
Dugal MacLeod: .
Connor MacLeod: Wanna hear another theory?
Lieutenant Frank Moran: Uh-huh.
Connor MacLeod: This Fasil was so upset about the lousy wrestling tonight, that he went down to the garage and in a fit of depression cut off his *own* head!
Kurgan: I'm in disguise!
Connor MacLeod: [Drunk with a wig covering his eyes whilst in the middle of a duel] Christ, I've gone blind!
Connor MacLeod: I apologize for calling your wife a bloated warthog, and I bid you good day.
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